When a divorce is finalized, it takes time to grieve. Often, it brings out feelings of loss similar to the passing of a loved one. Everything that a couple holds dear to their heart and minds is significantly compromised with divorce.
One of the unique aspects of the collaborative divorce process is access to a team of mental health experts, including child specialists.
With their help, families can finalize their divorce, knowing that family’s emotional well-being was dealt with in a way that allowed each family member to work through their emotional concerns in a healthy and safe environment.
When first meeting with a divorcing couple, we often share suggestions that can help them work through their emotions more healthily. Here are a few of them:
- Be kind to yourself – your feelings matter, and you are worthy!
- It’s expected to have changing feelings – happiness, sadness, relief and despair
- Journaling your feelings can help
- Feel the feelings, don’t push them back. Share them constructively
- Work towards what the future will bring.
- Daily self-care is essential – it doesn’t have to cost anything or take a great deal of time – 5 minutes of breathing can work wonders
- Establish daily healthy habits – nourish your body, exercise and get enough sleep
With the help of mental health professionals experienced with the emotional toll of divorce, healing can happen. It truly can! Remind yourself that divorce is a season in the many chapters of your life – it’s not the ending of your book – there is hope!
For over 17 years, working as a Family Law Attorney/Mediator, Kevin Chroman has helped numerous couples reach harmonious agreements on divorce, child custody and spousal support through mediation and the collaborative law process.
Reach an agreement with your spouse in the peaceful, emotionally healthy and cooperative environment created by the Law Office of Kevin J. Chroman. For a free consultation, contact us today!
Now offering Online Dispute Resolution (ODR).
Note: This information is general in nature and should not be construed as legal/financial/tax/or mental health advice. You should work with your attorney, financial, mental or tax professional to determine what will work best for your situation.

About Kevin J. Chroman
After graduating from law school 20 years ago, Kevin J. Chroman worked with another law firm for two years.
Attorney Chroman became a strong advocate for mediation and family law, and eventually moved into those practice areas and opened his own firm.